Five prepare-ahead breakfasts made in under one hour

The following article has been written by Bel from The Root Cause.

“What does your family have for breakfast?” is one of the most common questions I get asked.

Statistics show 36% of Australians eat cereal for breakfast and a further 66% eat bread. When it comes to kids, over 50% of 2-8-year olds eat cereal and over 30% of 9-13-year olds have cereal¹.

Like all processed food (yes, cereals are a processed food), some are okay and some that are not okay. Some cereals do very little to provide nutrition for our kids, and considering breakfast is the meal that sets them on their way for the first couple of hours of learning, it is pretty important.

A Choice review of 170 cereals found that 92% of cereals contained more than one teaspoon of added sugar, and only 25% contained a low sodium/salt level². That means 75% had what was considered a too high sodium/salt level.

When I share that my family eats leftovers from dinner, savoury dishes, sushi bowls, and chia puddings, I’m then asked incredulously, “how do you find time to make breakfast that’s not cereal?”

Here are five prepare-ahead breakfasts, all made in under one hour.

1. Chia pudding

Chia seeds are a great protein, fibre, and Omega 3 source, making them a great option for breakfast. Chia Pudding is our 15 year old daughter's favourite go-to breakfast on days when she is playing big sports carnivals. She finds it keeps her fuller for longer but without feeling like she has eaten too much.

Chia pudding is so simple to make, taking as little as four ingredients.

  1. Chia seeds

  2. Liquid – dairy or plant-based milk/cream works well

  3. Flavouring – I usually use fruit or vanilla, with a dash of cinnamon

  4. Sweetener – a splash of raw honey or maple syrup does the trick

With these four ingredients, you can make many different varieties simply by changing items 2-4.

As a general rule of thumb, you need four times as much liquid as chia seeds.

Our daughter's favourite is:

  1. ⅓ cup chia seeds

  2. 1⅓ cup Coco Quench coconut milk or almond milk

  3. Two mashed bananas plus ½ tsp. cinnamon

  4. Splash of maple syrup

Whack it all in a bowl, stir it up, and pop in the fridge overnight. The next day, top it with fruit and homemade muesli.

2. Overnight oats

Oats are a great source of complex carbohydrates for longer-lasting energy. Add proteins and good fats to oats as this will keep tummies fuller for longer and help with growth and development.

Oats are more readily digestible when they have been soaked overnight, making this breakfast gentle on your digestive system too.

Here's a great article from Honest to Goodness with six different recipes for overnight oats.

3. Oh so versatile muesli

I always have this muesli in my pantry. It's great to have on its own with milk, or boost it by topping it with yoghurt and fresh fruit. I've also been known to throw a big handful of this as extra goodness into my smoothies. Or layer it in a tall glass with yoghurt and berries to make a delicious parfait. Jump across to the recipe here.

4. Baked beans

We love these beans. I usually make a batch every week. They can be used for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Here is my recipe for baked beans and the different ways you can use them.

5. Egg pies

Here's a video I made years ago about how to make egg pies. Like baked beans, you can use these for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Make a dozen of these and keep them in the fridge. They are great cold, but you could warm them quickly in the oven or microwave if you have one.

They make a great lunchbox finger food too and for dinner, pimp them up with a side of steamed vegetables or a big salad.

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  1. ABS – ‘Australian Health Survey: Nutrition First Results – Food and Nutrients’

  2. CHOICE – ‘Breakfast cereal reviews’


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